療癒之旅|Embrace the journey of healing|就從這裡開始覺察、接受與臣服,當你準備好,將會發現–我們即是愛本身






embrace the journey of healing ⚛️💞

healing is a process of going deeper into the energetic levels of consciousness to find the root cause of symptoms and transforming them to balance.

we may be consciously aware and ask ourselves: why do I get tired so easily? or feel lonely or helpless at times? what makes me angry and judgmental? why do i see separation rather than unity? what are my fears?

when we are ready to fully receive unconditional and universal love, we can open our hearts and surrender to the flow of loving compassion. as we grow to experience eternal love, the need for doubt, regret or fear ceases to exist. we are eternal beings loved by our source and in this three-dimensional world, our existence simply IS love itself.

💟every living cell inside you is divinely loved and bright ✴️
