跨維度存有|Interdimensional Beings|屬於你的美好未來,放開心胸去接收來自高維度的訊息

In order to become more of who you really are, a process of reflection, awareness, and self work must be ongoing 🪬 ⚛️ 🩻 在回歸真實的靈魂本質過程中,內省、意識和內在工作是不斷成長和進行的

Your soul has planned a beautiful future for you, which is why many of you have been admitting to your issues, traumas, negative vibrations and darkness that is not always easy to be with. You are a leading force of light into a higher frequency future by first experiencing all experiences and emotions that oppose the high frequencies.

You are cleaning out the old and welcoming in new energies being offered by interdimensional beings of the galaxy that are co-creating with you a New Earth. There are more activations, upgrades, attunements, transmissions available to you when you choose to keep an open heart. Staying in a low vibration or being unaware of them will put you in a state of denying these high frequency energies.

So we invite you check in with yourself and your main chakra system more often. These 7 chakra points will guide you to feel more of the distractions, defense mechanisms, escapism so you can transmute these emotions by loving, honouring, and appreciating these experiences. Empathy is your superpower, your authentic divine expression returns to you as you learn to feel more. You can then feel fully empowered to choose exactly what you want to feel in every moment and the next.



因此我們邀請你更頻繁地檢查和淨化你的主脈輪系統。這 7 個脈輪點將引導你去感受更多的分歧、防禦機制、逃避模式等編程。你可以透過愛、尊重和感恩這些經歷為你帶來轉化這些情緒的機會。同理是你的超能力,所以當你學會感受更多時,你真實的神性就會回到你身邊。你將擁有完整的能力去選擇你在每一個當下和下一刻的感覺。

💜 you are multidimensional individuals living as one while still being separate 💜
