All unconditional forms of love are not better or worse than each other, they simply bring unique gifts and lessons in each lifetime. Love is equal. 🖤☯️🤍 無條件的愛並沒有更好或更壞,祂在每一世帶來獨特的禮物和學習。愛是平等的。
In order to spiritually awaken as individuals seeking a divine experience on the physical plane, we seek the truth of what we feel and experience to help us learn and grow.
Soulmates are people in our lives whom we connect with on a deep level. Nothing is off-limits. We love them because they play a major role in our spiritual development. The different roles they play according to your specific soul contract are based on the karmic lessons you both have agreed to assist each other in understanding love.We often come to a deeper love when we see past the separation we experience during these lessons.
Twin flames are our mirrors, reflecting all strengths, insecurities, weaknesses, shadows. The purpose of their existence is to purge deeper inner work and arrive at spiritual transformation. Ultimately to become the best versions of the same soul essence, in two divine vehicles. They are yin to our yangs, sun to our moons, light to our darkness. Self-discovery and fulfillment of our potential can be attained only through purification and a spotless mind filled with Unconditional Love.
Both relationships will test, provoke and love us fiercely, stimulating the deepest and most beneficial changes within us.
Soulmates | Twin Flame |
We have several soulmates. We meet in our lifetime, platonic and romantic. | There is only one Twin Flame our true energetic counterpart. |
Soulmates share similar frequencies – consider them close “energetic relatives” like a family of brothers and sisters to cousins depending on how close your frequencies are. | Your Twin Flame is the only other being in the Universe that shares the exact Core Soul Frequency as you, known as the “Twin Flame Soul Song.” |
Soulmate relationships are often challenging but close. Soul contracts are signed to assist each others’ evolution through the connection. | You and Your Twin Flame are two aspects of the same original energy. consciousness – “One Soul in Two Bodies.” |
Many encounter Soulmates prior to coming together with their Divine Counterpart to evolve and learn karmic lessons before Union and Ascension. | Even if you and your Twin Flame seem different on the exterior —— all patterns and personality traits you’ve taken on this lifetime share a Soul Identity. |
“False Twins” or “Karmic Twins” are souls who’ve had similar important karma to resolve as you. These relationships have specific purposes, wounds, and limitations to learn. | When Twins meet, a purification of Twin Flame Ascension is triggered and negativities arise for cleansing. Once both energies are uplifted and in alignment, Twins will become balanced in harmony. |
Soulmates can be romantic partners, friends, or family. They are here for brief periods or as lifelong companions. A variety of Soulmate “roles” can be assigned in one’s lifetime. | Twin Flame souls come to earth with the goal of unifying the energies they once were — rejoining together from a place of Unconditional Love. |
靈魂伴侶 | 雙生火焰 |
我們在有生之年與好幾個靈魂伴侶相遇,有柏拉圖式以及親密的關係。 | 我們一生只有一個雙生火焰 —— 是我們的精神呼應的靈性伴侶。 |
靈魂伴侶共享相似的頻率根據你們的頻率有多接近,可將他們視為親密「精神對頻的親戚」。如同兄弟姐妹和遠親的關係一樣。 | 你的雙生火焰是宇宙中唯一與你共享「精確核心靈魂頻率」的存在,這被稱是「雙生火焰靈魂之歌」。 |
靈魂伴侶的關係通常具有挑戰性但也很親密。簽下靈魂契約是為透過關係的連結此協助彼此的靈魂進化。 | 你和你的雙生火焰是同一個源頭能量和意識 分出來的兩個面向 —— 「一個靈魂在兩個身體裡」。 |
許多人在與神聖相映伴侶合一和揚升之前必須先與靈魂伴侶學習那些讓靈魂進化以及一起經歷共業的課題。 | 即使你和你的雙生火焰在外表上看起來不同 —— 你這一生所有的慣性模式和個性特徵 都共享著同一個靈魂身份。 |
「假雙生」或「業力雙生」 是與你有類似重要業力課題需要和解的靈魂伴侶。這些關係有特定的目的、創傷、 引領你從局限性學習。 | 當雙生相遇時,會觸發雙生火焰揚升的淨化過程,負面情緒會因此而浮現。一旦兩種能量被揚升並對齊,雙生火焰將變得更加和諧以及達成平衡。 |
靈魂伴侶可以是親密的伴侶、朋友或家人。他們在這世短暫的停留或者也有可能作為終生伴侶。一生中可以被分配多種靈魂伴侶的「角色」。 | 雙生火焰靈魂來到地球,目地是為統一他們曾是的能量。從無條件愛的能源裡,重新合而為一。 |
Both twins recognize one another at the soul level and feel as if they have met before. Synchronous events surround the union, the heart chakra open and both souls quickly merge into a third unified energy. Both twins experience an acceleration of spiritual understanding.
兩個雙生光靈魂在靈魂層面認出了彼此,並感覺好像他們以前見過。同步事件會環繞著這個團圓而發生,心輪打開了,兩個靈魂雙雙迅速的合併成一個第三個的聯合能量。 這兩個雙生光靈魂體驗到一種加速的靈性的理解。
💜 love is the most powerful source of the whole universe 💜