喉輪的智慧 — 言語過濾|Throat Chakra Wisdom — Speech Filtering|與人交流時,用心去傾聽並真誠地表達

Even if you disagree, try to see it from their perspective 📶👥📶 即使你不贊同,也不妨嘗試從他人的角度去理解相對性的事實

If you find yourself spacing out when others speak, maybe it’s time for a bit of introspection. Listening allows us to identify to the other and enjoy a connection of empathy and belonging. It promotes loyalty, protectiveness, alliance and reliability.

In a world filled with constant distractions, a lot of us “want” to be able to listen but may have barriers in the way. Most may even be egocentric by nature and are more concerned about their own thoughts and feelings than others.

To really listen, pause and see what is most important to say and consider the reasons for saying it. Speaking from a level of connection and not just to hear yourself speak. This can be tough when you don’t agree with someone, which is where compassion comes in. Ask questions and show respect for opinions different than your own, this way you are learning instead of arguing.

Challenge yourself to wait before responding. This gives you and the other person an open and loving space to gather thoughts before translating that energy into words of emotional vibration.





  • I speak with clarity and confidence.
  • I embrace only the truth.
  • My speech and actions are honest and authentic.
  • I communicate respectfully and with kindness.
  • I am an understanding listener.
  • 我說話清晰而自信。
  • 我只接受真理。
  • 我的言行是誠信和最真實的。
  • 我尊重和持有善意的溝通。
  • 我是一個善解人意的傾聽者。

💙 speak your truth with kindness 💙
