面對事情的改變,我知道你可能會有些害怕,但我需要你信任我,即使這會讓你感到不自在。我們被曾被教導錯誤的生活方式和愛—— 它並非一定是痛苦的,也不需要再排斥和傷害自己,去感到我們是安全的、被看見、和聽見的。 我一直都陪伴著你。
Think of yourself as the parent of your inner child and ask yourself every day, what can I do for my own child? 👶🏻💓👥
The inner child is the energetic identity with you that carries the wounds from this life time, your ancestors, and your past lives. Your inner child lives within your solar plexus and guides your emotional reactions and gut responses. Healing the inner child relaxes your inner nervous system, unlocks your trauma wounds, reduces stress responses and increases your intuition.
Dear inner child,
I know how scared you are because things are about to change, but I need you to trust me even though it may feel strange. We were taught the wrong way to live and love – It doesn’t have to be painful, we don’t need to hate and hurt ourselves to feel in control and worthy. I’m always here for you.
Awakening is an epiphany, yet it is not momentary. it takes time to wake up from the dream state we call reality. in order to develop a wise inner parent, you must learn to trust yourself (perhaps for the first time in your life) 🦋
To heal your inner wounds, give yourself what you didn’t get when you were a kid: the desire to be seen, to be heard, and to be able to truly express oneself. Moving forward is realizing that you can be a wise parent. The process of “re-nurturing” allows you to relearn to meet the unmet needs of your inner child through conscious action by the day.
Everyday can begin with this question: “What can I do for myself right now? “
The more often you do this, the automatic response becomes accustomed to the world around you, connecting you to your intuition. Re-nurturing is constant, as is our awakening.
may divine light and love live within you 🕉💟