在遠離衝突並創造更和諧與平衡的人際關係的時候,我們可以從願意探索每個人過往的家庭排列和成長的故事開始。 從雙向的交流中,傾聽他們的經歷而製造一個安全和充滿信任的環境,讓一段關係可以加深和發展。 同樣的,我們也必須尊重自己的界限,並學會拒絕一些沒有朝著你最高利益的方向的關係,回歸你個人的發展。
- 你的感受和他自身的感受同等的重要
- 盡心的去瞭解自己和瞭解他人
- 對眾人的善待和尊敬
- 身口意合一
- 持有道歉的能力
- 尊重界線以及建立安全的空間允許被傾聽、看見、理解
- 願意開啟艱難的對話為了結和修復爭執
- 在適當的時間點恢復主權或扛起責任
自我關愛的另一面是自我拋棄。 當你發現你的注意力和關心在別人身上,大多餘花時間關心自己的生活,這是一種忽視你的價值觀的行為。 忽略自己的願景等同將靈魂的主權和精神給予他人。為自己而活和建立自我關愛的基礎對於建立良善的關係是至關重要的。一顆充滿愛和被理解的心不易因個人的創傷歷史和情緒而被輕易激怒或觸發。
- 當你不願意的時候說「不」
- 允許自己在忙碌的時段能夠充分的休息
- 整理和認識自己的情緒
- 願意接受自己有狀態不好的時候
- 將專注力轉移到生活中優先的人事物
- 拒絕讓他人的想法影響你的願心、熱誠、初衷
- 服務他人之前先懂得服務自己
- 選擇回應自己的需求過於滿足他人的需求
The importance of understanding the complexity of one’s upbringing helps us communicate better the values and beliefs that we operate under 💟🫂☮️
To solve and find balance during conflict in a relationship harmoniously, we can start by exploring the family system and stories behind each individual’s past. In a reciprocative relationship, we can see through their experiences to create a safe and secure environment that allows the relationship to deepen and grow. Likewise, we honour our own boundaries and learn to say no when a relationship is not heading in the direction of your highest good.
- how you feel matters as much as how they feel
- putting in effort to understand self and understand others
- kindness and respect goes for all beings
- words, thoughts, actions align
- the ability to apologize
- respecting boundaries and holding safe space to be listened to, seen, understood
- willingness to start difficult conversations to resolve and repair conflict
- taking ownership and responsibility when appropriate
On the other side of self love is self abandonment. When you care for others more than you spend time caring for yourself, it is an act of neglecting your values. You begin to give authority away when you forget to prioritize your own needs and visions. Living for yourself and establishing a solid foundation of self love is critical in building connections that are not easily irritated or triggered due to personal wounds.
Set the boundaries you need to honour yourself first before doing the same to others.
- saying no when you want to
- allowing yourself to fully rest in a busy period
- working through your own emotions
- being okay with admitting you are not okay
- focusing your attention on your priorities
- not letting someone talk you out of a desire, hope, or aspiration
- serving yourself before helping others
- choosing your needs over someone’s comfort
May you find the greatest love residing in your own heart space. I love you all ❣️