



What this teaching actually means is this: Who is this god you are supposed to be so in love with? We can tell you it is in no way some being who is separate from or greater than you, and in fact it is you!

There is no being higher than you anywhere in this entire cosmos and in the end of the matter, this is the ultimate realization! You are not a part of god or even a just a spark of god, you are all of it, manifested as you!

When one realizes this, it is the highest samadhi and then one begins to be this! As we said, god is one, and all beings are this, including you!

Further counsel: Keep your focus solely on yourself and what you are doing right now and allow all other beings to simply be where they are. They shall all awaken when they are ready to awaken!

Keeping your focus on you, in the now and here moment greatly increases your internal vibration and brings you to a peace that passes all understanding!

This is the great peace you will come to just before you get to the next stage in your evolution where you shall literally reign over the entire universe!

Stay hopeful and know that incredible things are happening on planet earth! As we move forward to the end of earth year 2020 and the grand event culmination, things are going to get even more exciting!
保持希望,知道地球上正在發生著不可思議的事情!隨著我們邁向 2020 年地球年的結束,和大事件的高潮,事情將變得更加令人興奮!

A new era of light is about to dawn on planet earth and soon you shall see the kingdom of heaven and a new earth appear right before your eyes! Thank you for coming to earth and for your great work on behalf of all humanity!

We give you the highest honors speak highly of you in the realms of angels! Without you there would be no hope in the earth realm so please know how important you truly are!


Now we move forward towards the imminent grand event 2020 culmination and the coming of the new golden age of Aquarius! Standby for super-awesomeness!

現在,我們朝著即將到來的 2020 年大事件頂點,和水瓶座新的黃金時代的到來,前進!等待超級驚豔!

原文出處:“NEW” -靈性智慧-【你的高我】《現在你知道你是非常神聖的》